Friday, July 11, 2008

I wonder why people actually bother reading my posts?

just wondering...hahaha..nevermind.I want to write something today but cant seem to think of anything worth it...I got something in mind yesterday about War and the necessity of being evil.

"Evil is a normal human personality,it is what Carl Gustav Jung describes as the Shadow.Shadow exist when there is light, so evil is the result of goodness. Light is only recognized when there is shadow or darkness.Both are necessary.."

but that would be a drag to explain...and im tired of explaing such I decided to place in random thoughts in those posts.I wonder who actually reads my posts and tries to deal with my twisted mind.

Main Entry: 1rant
Pronunciation: \ˈrant\
Function: verb
Etymology: obsolete Dutch ranten, randen
Date: 1601
intransitive verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently
transitive verb : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion
— rant·er noun
— rant·ing·ly \ˈran-tiŋ-lē\ adverb

You!who reads my blog.this is actually a test post...please leave a comment when you read my blog.I want to know if this blog is actually worth my already short lived life.

anyways, more rants!haha. im getting excited in our future film viewing about the trilogy of Hannibal Lecter's story in our Theories of Personality subject. Hannibal Lecter is a Forensic Psychologist.They say the deadliest criminals are those who know about forensic psychology and high knowledge about personality theories....whew.who knows. i might be the next hannibal lecter.ngasab!

"ngars!ill eat you alive and make your skin my furniture!"

Next rant!Debate,debate,debate. sigh. Managing our debating society in our school is pretty difficult.tsk tsk tsk. we were down to 4 members then and 1 adviser then we screened for new members wherein we got 33 new members, but after 3 weeks...less than half are left...tsk tsk tsk...tough luck.But, im proud of my trainess.they are slowly learning my evil substance in debating.Bwahaha.!?! whew. anyways. We are hosting the incoming 18th Mindanao Parliamentary Debate Championships, and whew...preparations are killing me!whew...its really not that easy i tell you...tsk tsk tsk...

"Point sir!Isolation is different from separation!we are merely giving these sexual minorities an avenue or separate room to chikka!(?) not pick them all up and place them in a separate island and televise(?) them like in survivor!(?)" ((?); stands for not sure if I really did said these things.)

More!more!more rants! I pump heard me right...I pump!I pump iron!I go to the gym in a not so regular basis!hehe.dont blame it on me or tell me i dont have perseverance. Im a student!i need to have time for school*cough*blogging*cough*. I also have a diet plan which i follow. which i would like to keep as secret and soon sell it in the internet when it becomes effective with me and i would earn lots and lots of kaching!kaching! I would name my Diet then as *tentenenen~tenen! "Macho~te Diet Program: ang diet ng mga machong machete!" I know it sounds funny, and yes...I can see that smile of interest in your face! Im looking for people to try my diet program!dial 1-800-000-machote. call now!

"hammer and chisel needed for this workout. a huge knife and some suction devices are also necessary.We advise you see a carver before proceeding with this workout.all carved flesha cant be regained if mistakenly carved.Use the Big knife dont want to cut just anything..."

ok...I guess its time to end this ranting...this post is getting too long already...ill end it now... ok?..ow wait...I some more rants i wouldnt mind reading some more dont you?I know you wont on will you?if you dont...ill make your skin my furniture and your bones my milk!raaagh!

Here it goes!Ranting mania!woohoo!!!I miss someone sooo bad right now...yep...soo much...I miss a very important person...the worst thing is that we might not see each other for the next four years...tsk tsk...tough is unfair...(whoever told you its fair?)sigh. you know who you are!:D yes!you! you take care of yourself ok?its going to be a very long roller coaster ride...but ill make it through...kip know how special you are...:)

"I miss cloudhoppers... :("

Last rant for this sick right now...:( colds and coughs and a terrible headache.Ill be emceeing the ms.College of Arts and Sciences anytime soon and I hope to emcee the Burn the Floor hip hop competition as well this july 27...hopefully. I didnt recieve any confirmation yet. Juhn Ray Quia~eo aka Jang2x! ako na ba talaga emcee nun?:D no voice...slowly losing it...thats what im worried about...this will pass...this will pass...:)

"...shh... "
(la nga ako boses diba?) more rants but i guess ill be saving the others for my next post.hehe.teecee.



very inspiring post julz...

BoyKidlat said...

tnx. didnt know this was one of those... "inspiring" posts.hehe.teecee