Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Beauty of Psychology part II ("I may be sad, but I was never Weak...")

The Power of your Thoughts
(creating your own placebo)

Placebo is the so called illusion medicine. Its a fake medicine that gives real medicinal effects. The patient just needs to think that the placebo is the real medicine although it is not. an example of this is when a person is having a headache or something you give him/her a sugar pill(pill w/ sugar inside instead of medicine) instead of a real pain reliever without telling that person that its not a real pain reliever. The desired effect of being relieved of pain would materialize since the brain recieved the information without biological basis that the person drank a real pain reliever although it is not real.

The Placebo is a very powerful tool. It removes possible side effects and problems a real medicine could give while still gaining the desired effect.

The power of your thoughts is quite simple yet very difficult to understand. It is simply thinking what you want to materialize. immaterial things like pain,happiness,sadness,hope,love,and the sort could only materialize in two ways. if this emotions were manifested physically or emotionally through the environment or when you think and tell your mind that this emotions really exist.

"I think ___ therefore I am ___"

This is the simplest solution to this effect. A positive outlook is needed for this to work as well as a very understanding mind.

We all have a beautiful mind, a very powerful tool and weapon it is.

There are situations when you need to relive yourself from negative feelings like pain and sadness and it is in these situations that the power of your thoughts is needed to create your own placebo effect.Creating your own placebo is quite complicated.

-You first need to identify the situation and feeling you want to negate and transform. Feelings of denial and confusion should be set aside. You need to learn to breathe in and relax and let the rational being within you take over. The first step to everything is to accept that there is something wrong.(ie.accepting you are emotionally hurt)

-Next you need to know how hurt or how much in pain are you. You need to assess how long this would take. If you can survive this or something. Then ask yourself the question why. The second step deals with knowing the roots of your problem.

3.)Placebo Application
-Lastly, you need to identify the opposite of the feeling you want to remove. (ie. Sadness/happiness , Guilt/Peace, etc.) After you have realized the counter emotion you want to apply, the most difficult part comes in. You have to make your mind believe you are feeling the opposite.(ie. If you are sad you have to think that you are happy) The initial part of telling your mind what it should feel is the only difficult part, once you are succesful in doing so, the rest will follow.

Explore your thoughts.Some pain are self inflicted.This placebo effect however is not adviseble to biological pains and sickness that needs real medical attention.